Trinity        MCC of Arlington & Grand Prairie, Texas  -  Announcements

Care and Share Bible Study

Join us every Wednesday night at 7:00pm for Bible Study, here at Trinity.


Just a friendly reminder to leave the parking spaces in front of the church open for visitors.

TwoGether In Texas

Did you know Trinity MCC is offering the TwoGether In Texas pre-marriage counseling course to Same-Sex and Straight couples? We currently are the only faith-based group to offer it to same-sex couples. This course saves the couple $60 in marriage licenses fees, and waves the three day waiting period. We offer at it no cost as a ministry of our church. Tell your friends and others to call Pastor Curtis to set up an appointment.  817-845-2124

In case of Inclement Weather

Because of the high priority we place on gathering together as a church family for worship each week, Trinity Metropolitan Community Church has rarely closed due to bad weather. However, if we do have a severe weather conditions on a Sunday morning, please refer to our Facebook Page:
or on NBC Channel 5 KXAS local station.  You may also call Pastor Curtis at 817-845-2124.  Of course, we also want to encourage everyone to make good, safe decisions for yourself and your family!